2024.02.23 10 Guiding principles for learning in the laboratory This Perspective shares 10 guiding principles relating to university laboratory education, drawing…
2024.02.22 SIG meeting on Laboratory Learning, March 11, 2024 Learning spaces, time for learning and the potentials of laboratory learning Special interest group…
Symposium 2023.11.14 #TownsFest Online Symposium On Thursday 11th January 2024 the Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Chemistry Education Research…
2023.03.28 New collaboration Partner: Professor Michael K Seery We have successfully started a new collaboration with Professor Michael Seery. Michael Seery is Hea…
2022.11.14 News article in Pharmadanmark 08/2022 https://viewer.ipaper.io/pharmadanmark/pharma-08-2022/
2022.10.12 New publication in the Journal of Chemical Education Building on the systematic review we published earlier in July, a new paper on faculty perspectives…
2022.07.26 New review published The systematic review of learning outcomes associated with university chemistry teaching…
2022.07.18 New publication Hendra Y. Agustian has published a 'Perspective' article in Chemistry Education Research and…
Laboratory technicians 2022.04.21 Findings from the IQ-Lab research project Findings from the IQ-Lab research project at an the AEU Conference for laboratory technicians
2022.04.05 Students’ experiences of the lack of laboratory teaching during lockdown We have published an article as a part of WP3 on students’ experiences of the lack of laboratory…
Learning 2022.03.24 The network Special Interest Group ‘Learning in Laboratory Work and Field Work’ On March 21, 2022, the network Special Interest Group ‘Learning in Laboratory Work and Field Work’…
2022.03.07 New postdoc in the IQ-lab project Rie Hjørnegaard Malm is now employed as a Postdoc in the IQ-lab project in the Department of Scienc…
2022.01.03 Collaboration and network in the Netherlands To gain insights into practical work outside of the Copenhagen context, Laura T Finne and Jonas T…
Laboratory teaching 2021.11.11 workshop on laboratory teaching On Nov 9, the IQ-Lab researchers led a workshop on laboratory teaching at the DSE, aimed at cours…
2021.10.21 Preliminary results presented at the DUN conference The IQ-lab project group attended the Danish DUN (Dansk Universitetspædagogisk Netværk) conference…
2021.06.29 Abstract accepted for the ESERA 2021 online conference The abstract ‘Laboratory-related competences at university level: Systematizing empirical literatur…
Dissemination of results 2021.05.11 Article published in DUT: Students’ perception of time in lab teaching As part of WP3, among other things PhD student Laura T. Finne has explored students’ experience of…
Dissemination of results 2021.04.28 Initial results from IQ-Lab presented at the online Big Bang conference The IQ-Lab project group attended the annual national Big Bang conference on 24-25 March online. Th…
Network 2021.03.15 Major success: International SIG meeting 8 March 2021 The third meeting in the DUN SIG 'Laboratory and Fieldwork Learning' was an online meeting hosted b…
2020.10.05 Covid-19 teaching and learning: The students' perspective At the SIG meeting 16 September 2020, Laura T. Finne presented her initial findings from interviews…
Network 2020.09.22 Successful SIG meeting, 16 September 2020 The second meeting in the DUN SIG 'Laboratory and Fieldwork Learning' was an online meeting hosted…
2020.06.17 Video presentation on styles of thinking at online DUN conference 2020 The IQ-Lab project group have contributed with a video presentation about genres of empirical work…
2020.06.14 IQ-Lab contributed to successful course on laboratory teaching The IQ-Lab research group contributed with relevant content to a course on teaching in the…
2020.05.18 Findings from pilot study Laura Teinholt Finne has contributed with a video presentation about the findings from a pilot stud…
2020.02.28 Interesting seminar on students' learning experience in the chemistry lab Tuesday, 25 February postdoc Hendra Yusup Agustian presented the results of his research, inquirin…
Network 2019.11.20 Successful SIG meeting 19 November 2019 The DUN SIG 'Laboratory and Fieldwork Learning' hosted its first meeting on 19 November 2019. The…
Network 2019.07.01 DUN conference and a new Special Interest Group on laboratory learning The IQ-Lab project group presented the project at the annual DUN conference on 28-29 May in Odense.…