29 June 2021

Abstract accepted for the ESERA 2021 online conference

The abstract ‘Laboratory-related competences at university level: Systematizing empirical literature and expert validation’ by Postdoc Hendra Agustian et al. from the IQ-lab project group has been accepted for the online ESERA 2021 conference 30 August – 3 September.

At the conference, Hendra Agustian will present findings from the IQ-Lab project group’s extensive literature review on learning outcomes of lab education at university level. As well, he will present findings from a contextualisation of the review based on focus group interviews with 31 university teachers teaching lab courses.

Some of the most interesting results from this work are reassertion by practitioners about the value of inquiry instruction in the lab and potential shift towards focus on argumentation and reasoning. These results will lay a foundation for the synthesis of research, particularly concerning the literature’s and teachers’ perspectives on laboratory education.

If you would like to learn more about the literature review and the contextualisation of the review, you are welcome to contact Hendra Agustian.