12 October 2022

New publication in the Journal of Chemical Education

Hendra publication 2 (2022)

Building on the systematic review we published earlier in July, a new paper on faculty perspectives has been published in the Journal of Chemical Education. In this study, we looked into how laboratory instructors characterise student learning outcomes in the laboratory, using the five clusters as an outset for curriculum deliberation. The knowledge we synthesised through the review is hereby contextualised in pharmaceutical sciences education and, to a certain degree, validated. We intend to use this work to provide information for the professional development of laboratory curriculum designers and instructors, using theories and concepts from educational research.


Link to the paper: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jchemed.2c00212

The accepted manuscript for free download: https://www.ind.ku.dk/english/staff-auto-list/?pure=en%2Fpublications%2Fdanish-university-faculty-perspectives-on-student-learning-outcomes-in-the-teaching-laboratories-of-a-pharmaceutical-sciences-education(996c496a-b356-460e-9559-a44ce1c82e6f).html  
