Successful SIG meeting, 16 September 2020
Online seminar on lessons learned from the COVID-19 lockdown from a teaching and learning perspective

The second meeting in the DUN SIG 'Laboratory and Fieldwork Learning' was an online meeting hosted by Aarhus University and centred around teaching and learning experiences during the COVID-19 lockdown and beyond.
Around 30 participants from the Danish institutions in higher education contributed to lively discussions and shared their experiences in relation to e.g. technical solutions for online teaching and learning, how to turn lab exercises into ‘dry lab’ scenarios online, carrying out fieldwork exercises asynchronously, and how to optimise communication between teachers and the students in unfamiliar settings. Other topics discussed included the students’ motivation, their handling of the altered teaching and learning situation, and their performance.
Thank you to all the participants and the organising group (Birgitte Lund Nielsen and Rikke Frøhlich Hougaard, AU) for an inspiring afternoon.
If you would like to learn more about the SIG meeting, view the programme, or require the presentation slides, please contact