SIG meeting on Laboratory Learning, March 11, 2024

We are pleased to invite you to a full day SIG meeting at the Technical University of Denmark on March 11, from 10am-3pm. In this full day meeting we will focus mainly on laboratory learning, but all SIG members are welcomed and encouraged to join, and we will also engage in a “field excursions” to laboratory sites at DTU.
We will spend part of the day seeing actual laboratories and workshop venues in which the students are learning. This common experience and will be an outset for discussions of learning spaces, time for learning and the potentials of laboratory learning. See program below.
We meet at DTU, building 402, room 009, Koppels Alle, Lyngby.
By public transport, busses 15E and 150S will take you to DTU from Nørreport. Get of at Rævehøjvej.
Program for the day:
09:30-10:00 Arrival with coffee
10:00-12:00 Pernille Rattleff from DTU LearningLab will be our guide on a tour in laboratory and workshop facilities at DTU (including new teaching labs and facilities in buildings B303, B329 og B306 and Skylab). After the tour, Pernille will present findings from DTU on students’ learning outcomes in physics labs.
12:00-12:45: Lunch and informal discussions
12:45-13:30: Introduction to Physics experments and observation of students work in the lab – with Assoc. Prof. Carsten Knudsen
13:30-15:00: Workshop on guiding principles for laboratory learning
Based on our discussions during the morning session, Frederik Voetmann Christiansen and Hendra Agustian will lead a workshop taking outset in a recent publication on guiding principles for learning in the Laboratory
15:00 Goodbyes
We are looking forward to seeing you
Frederik Voetmann Christiansen, Hendra Agustian,
Cita Nørgaard, Rikke Frøhlich Hougaard andn Pernille Rattleff